OK. We're going to talk in my blog.
OK. What about?
Well, first I need to tell you I know what Raj said on your blog in the comments section.
Oh. I wasn't going to say anything. I really don't want to start fighting with him again.
I know. But what you said was really nasty.
He deserved it.
I know. But you'll never make peace if you always give back what the other deserves.
But I need 'Peace With Honour.' I can't have him dissing me on my Sikh Khalistan blog and not react at least somewhat strongly. And he did act like a slime ball.
Is that worse than a scuzball?
About the same.
Is that spelled right?
I dunno. Doesn't matter.
Why didn't you just delete his comment?
I don't do that. I only delete if someone says something illegal or actionable. I believe in freedom of expression, even if I disagree.

Yeah, I think so.
So are you mad at Raj?
Not really. He can act the fool if he wants, but that fight's over and I won. I don't need to fight him any more. If he wants to shadowbox with the empty air, that's his business, not mine. I'll just leave him to his own karma.
Oh, good.
Can we talk about something else?
Sure. What?
What do you have planned to do for your birthday?
I don't know. Raj is up to something, but I haven't a clue what. I know he asked for suggestions on your blog. He makes me laugh! Has he gotten any responses?
Would I know?
Probably. You know everything that goes on on your blogs.
Oh, by the way, I took him off the authors list.
I noticed. Good idea. That's for the best.
Yeah. But your birthday.
It's a lousy day for a birthday! (Sept. 11)
Yeah, but as you said, he'll never forget it.
*Laughs* He never has anyway. You know what I'd really like?
(Enthusiastically) I'm listening
I'd like to turn off all the machines for a day. No TV. No radio. No computer. No Internet. No stove. No refrigerator.
No hot water?
Cold showers are your thing, not mine. I'll just bathe early while the water's still hot.
That's kinda weird, Lilly. The TV, radio, compy I understand. But the refrigerator?
All of it. I'd like to do some real pure simple living for a few days.
Simple living? That's gotta be the Quaker in you! A few days!? Well, maybe while the weather's still reasonably warm.
Are we going to go back and two-colour this, so people who read it'll keep it straight?
Yeah, but do you think anyone'll actually read it?
I don't know. What do you think?
A couple. Eleanor and Boo have to because they asked us to do it. Lin'll read it; she reads all your posts. Probably Raj. We need to put in some words that the search engines will pick up; Kh-listan, Khal-stan, Khalist-n. That way people'll know you're here.
Mai, stop it!
I struck it. I don't think they'll pick up struck words.
I think you need to get rid of vowels or something.
OK. Done. Does that suit you now?
Yeah. That's funny now.
Are we going to proof-read this?
No. Just spellcheck.
This is awful. We haven't said anything.

Yeah, but it's the way we talk. Isn't that what they wanted?
I guess. It's just really, really dull.
I don't think it's that bad. You said you wouldn't fight with Raj. That's something .
I guess.
What about pictures?
You know that song we said sounded like us?
*singing* There's a rose in a fisted glove
And the eagle flies with the dove.
That one?
You're. I just wrote about that in sometimes - 2. But that's the right song. We'll have to find an eagle eating a dove or something.
Not on my blog.
Shall we go looking for pictures and post?
But you have to put in the links and stuff.
You need to learn how to do that. This is your blog.
I'll try.
I'll do it then.
Suni, will you read this? Is this really how we talk?
Yeah, sounds like you two all right. So Lilly found out about Raj, after all? It's probably for the best. I don't think you two could keep something like that from each other anyway.
Nice job! Dull? Wasn't dull to me, I was interested. :)
My little cousin's bday is Sept 11 too, only she was born the year it happened right after the second tower was hit or the second plane hit the first tower, I'm not sure which way it happened.
Happy Birthday, in advance. :)
You had me giggling out loud (Hmm, I guess that would be: GOL!).
Encore! Encore!
*throws roses on stage... er... blog*
My birthday is same day as JFK was assassinated, although 10 years later of course. Not quite as prominent or recent though.
My birthday is the same day as Anjelina Jolie's. SEPARATED AT BIRTH OR WHAT.
Good to see you blogging up a storm lilly.
Now I was going to write to your dear husband (ducks shoe thrown by Mai), but my imagination has leaked out my ears lately.
But as I went sailing on the weekend and am now a convert, I'm thinking you should go out on the water. Is Seattle on the water? I know not. Any lakes, rivers?
On Sat I was allowed to steer the boat, and had two gigantic sails, 48-feet high at my beck and call. It was the most superb feeling I can name. We were out for 3 hours in the sun and wind, with little sunlight sparkles dancing over the water. Blissikins! And it would conform to your no electricity/phone/fridge ideal. Just us and ol' briny!!
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